Prophetic Vision

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On August 6, 2020, following a routine medical appointment where my doctor assured me of my good health, I unexpectedly fell into a deep fatigue by August 14th, leading me to retire to bed and subsequently lose consciousness for five days, discovered only when the doorman found me and promptly called 911.

Upon awakening on August 22nd after spending three days in the ICU on the brink of cardiac arrest, I found myself in a hospital room, greeted by my doctor who reassured me of my recovery despite testing negative for COVID-19. Instead, I was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia in both lungs and sepsis, having been unconscious for a total of eight days. As the doctor explained my condition, I experienced surreal visions, seeing vivid images reminiscent of a movie projected onto the walls of my hospital room, eventually becoming enveloped in the vision itself.

In this vision, I found myself amidst the chaotic riots of the Summer of 2020, witnessing fires, car collisions, and gunshots, evoking a harrowing sense of “Hell on Earth” with rioters and looters adorned in red and black. Transitioning to the next level, I observed individuals under apparent mind control, engaged in manipulating election results through sophisticated means, including handling ballots and accessing high-level political spaces, where the ominous presence of “Witchcraft” loomed.

Ascending further, I reached a celestial realm where a clear voice declared the presence of “The Mashiach,” locked arm in arm with assistants, marching forward with unwavering determination to confront and eradicate evil. Witnessing this divine display filled me with profound awe and anticipation for the impending Arrival of The Mashiach to purge the world of darkness.